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Sunday, September 25, 2011

"Your baby Can read"....WHY?!

"Your baby Can read" - Making a baby genius or Lazy Parents?

My mind is all over with this post. I have a few things to say about this product and parenting in general. Ill start by saying, its so inticing! Watching those infomertials late night, seeing little 9 month olds saying words off a que card. I was shocked! I wanted my baby to talk and read. How could anyone deny enhancing they child, it doesnt hurt. Does it? 

Why do we need a 9 month old talking? Why do we need them Reading? Are we just too lazy as a society to stop and read to our children these days and have a few more conversations? It seems like we have better things to do with our time as parents so we sit our 3 month old in front of a TV for a few minutes (or hours) and make a baby genius. Yeah Right! 

TV is not recommended for children under the age of 2 (says the AAP). Sure we all need some free time and turn in the boob tube and pray for some relaxation. Im just as guilty of that. Summer has her favorite shows but shes almost 3 and most didnt pop up until after a year ( here I go bragging, which will start my next subject soon), and the same goes for her little brother. 

We live in a time where everyone wants a super genius baby. Mothers can be just as competitive as sports players. Everyone wants not only the cutest kid but the smartest one. A child that is the best at everything that comes there way and hits the milestones before they are suppose to even occur. We are all like that in some way. I know, I was as a first time mom. We brag about our advanced child and bookmark each accomplishment as if man hadnt already walked on the moon. I think we all seem to forget that most normal children will catch up to the advanced ones and thats all that really counts. 

Do we really want to advance our child because we want them to be Harvard graduate or because we want one more trick to our Monkeys resume. Read reviews on this product, good and bad. This is not something that teaches your child to read, it teaches word memorization as a whole. A picture of a word is not as good as knowing the phonics of the word.

We rush our kids to grow up to fast. We take the bottle away at 6 months, encourage early walking as if they have some where to go, wean them from the breast because they grew a tooth. We then wonder why our 11 year old girls want to wear make up and dress like a 23 year old woman. Life has been a race from birth. I personally dont mind my babies babbles or reading the same book 7x in a row to them, I have no desire to be read to by them until I'm old and gray. Babies are babies, and toddlers are toddlers, not baby genius's.

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