Gods gift to men but primarily intended for your growing child. GROWING CHILD?! Yes you know the thing you give birth to after 10 months of pregnancy and nourish for life, yeah that thing. It is intended to breastfeed! Yes those beautiful sexually stimulated fun bags have another purpose!
You my fellow mother have not only been given the ability to sacrifice your body and make life but you also allowed to create breastmilk. Your infants favorite thing in the world! From the time a baby is born it almost always already knows what's best.
A infant will scoot to a nipple on
It's own to suckle from the nipple. To get a taste of what is known at liquid gold! This gold is meant to not only feed your child but the act in itself means so much more. The closeness of a warm body. The on demand schedule. Always there for your baby in every way possible.
Too many women often turn a blind eye to this wonderful power. Are we such feminist that we choose not to work at breastfeeding and give our child the best or are we so suppressed that we fall into the cracks of what's socially acceptable when it comes to breast. Too lazy? Too full of excuses to google im "I'm having problems breastfeeding" but not lazy enough to type in "Facebook.com"?
Breast are so functional, they make good pillows, keeps a mans hand warm, feed a baby, fill in a great bathing suit top and can get you free things lol! So many options yet Americans see breasts and sees sex!!
Excuse me! My nursing toddler does not seek me for sexual gratification. My toddler seeks love and nourishment! Cuddles and warmth! It's a bond, and the long term benefits are ridiculously good! So keep staring I know I'm giving the best. I'll stare right back and wonder why you haven't done the same!